Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 2:04 PM

Dear brother,who is the mentor of this specific period in my life,
Sorry to interrupt you during your working/lunch time. Too many decisions to make at this moment. I know that i should make decisions by myself. (Please ignore the grammar mistakes in this mail... .) I feel like a mesfs again. This morning I heard from my classmate who is 25 and transfered from Australia last year, she said that she takes 27 credits this semester. Cause she wants to have more free time in the senior year so that she can probably find a job or sth. Since than I'm considering that what exactly is my purpose to support all my decision-making. I don't know how far can I go and I'm kind of losing the courage to challenge myself. How can it be so hard to destroy all my works i fpaid in the past few years. Still now, my problems look like a snowball down the mountain but actually they always turn out to be simple and solvable.
Sorry that i cannot list the problems and make them readable for you at one time.

ang9 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jun 14 Mon 2010 15:19
  • 脫序

I don’t care about the grammar or something else as a English major should be aware of. I’m sick of my illness, escaping from responsibilities to self-dignity. Flawless of me shows the unconsciously madness. The perspective I chose toward life makes things worse than ever. Come back to my own. Get controlled to things I need to head on.  For God’s sake, can’t I be braver as my approvable imagination?


說實在的, 我痛恨自己的出軌行為! 也許是脫序成慣性!

認識了好多好棒的人 Stephy, Jack, Anthony, Eric, Jenny, Jason, etc.

為什麼不能再棒一些!? 再自律一些!?

ang9 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



即使是發生了意外 在復原過程中也應漸漸回軌道



放假就去好好玩  才放假一個星期就已經把我計劃了一個多月結果什麼都沒做的事都做完了


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